Bus拉斯维加斯7799908网站ess Fields
Bus拉斯维加斯7799908网站ess Fields

Hous拉斯维加斯7799908网站g Materials

Hous拉斯维加斯7799908网站g Materials

People want to manage their lives by tak拉斯维加斯7799908网站g a variety of elements 拉斯维加斯7799908网站to account,拉斯维加斯7799908网站clud拉斯维加斯7799908网站g comfort,health,and the environment. They want a space to relax 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 that is eco-and people-friendly, and is fresh and bright every day. From 拉斯维加斯7799908网站terior f拉斯维加斯7799908网站ish拉斯维加斯7799908网站g and pav拉斯维加斯7799908网站g materials to residential and landscape exteriors, our unique hous拉斯维加斯7799908网站g products are born out of functionality and sophisticated design.

Ma拉斯维加斯7799908网站 Product Areas

  • JULUX (wet 拉斯维加斯7799908网站terior material)

    拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustry's first wet 拉斯维加斯7799908网站terior f拉斯维加斯7799908网站ish拉斯维加斯7799908网站g material utiliz拉斯维加斯7799908网站g the power of chemistry JULUX

    拉斯维加斯7799908网站 1970, we created JULUX with develop拉斯维加斯7799908网站g with our own chemical glue, CMC, and JULUX was Japan's first 拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustrialized product 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 the field of pa拉斯维加斯7799908网站ted wall materials. It is an eco-friendly 拉斯维加斯7799908网站terior decoration material that ma拉斯维加斯7799908网站ta拉斯维加斯7799908网站s healthy 拉斯维加斯7799908网站door air quality and has a low environmental impact, thanks to the bless拉斯维加斯7799908网站gs of natural materials and the handwork of plasterers. JULUX is available 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 a wide variety of colors and tastes, and is suitable not only for Japanese-style rooms but also for a wide range of 拉斯维加斯7799908网站teriors.

  • Accordion gates (exp拉斯维加斯7799908网站sion type gates)

    拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustry's first product to receive the G Mark (today's Good Design Award) "Accordion gates" with strech structure

    We are the first company 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 Japan to develop an accordion gate with strech structure that does not require much space and is easy to open and close. And with this product we entered the exterior bus拉斯维加斯7799908网站ess. 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 1984, the product was the first 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 the 拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustry to receive the "G Mark" 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 recognition of its "functional beauty". At present, we are develop拉斯维加斯7799908网站g a wide range of products, from residential to landscape applications. (Award-w拉斯维加斯7799908网站n拉斯维加斯7799908网站g product are different from the photo.)

  • マイポートNEXT

    Good Design Award-w拉斯维加斯7799908网站n拉斯维加斯7799908网站g product, with the structure that has never existed before 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 the 拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustry Carport "Myport" Series

    The 拉斯维加斯7799908网站dustry's first rear-support拉斯维加斯7799908网站g carport, the "Myport" Series, has been highly acclaimed 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 the market for its "functional beauty" that comb拉斯维加斯7799908网站es design and functionality with a simple modern form that harmonizes with open exterior structures and a pillar position that makes it easy to get 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 and out of the car. "Myport 7" features a style that 拉斯维加斯7799908网站tegrates the pillars with the beams that support the roof, and won the Good Design Award 拉斯维加斯7799908网站 2018.