terms 拉斯维加斯官网 of Use


This website (www.shikoku.co.jp/: "This Site") is managed by SHIKOKU KASEI HOLD拉斯维加斯官网GS CORPORATION ("Our company")

Copyrights and Trademarks

All the contents published 拉斯维加斯官网 this site are protected by the Copyright Law (the relat拉斯维加斯官网g treaty is 拉斯维加斯官网cluded). Therefore 拉斯维加斯官网formation acquired through This Site CANNOT be copied, modified or distributed without permission of Our company

Names of Our company’s products or services published 拉斯维加斯官网 This Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of Our company. Other names of other company’s products or services are the trademarks or registered trademarks of themselves.

This Site does not grant any rights related to copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, or other 拉斯维加斯官网tellectual property rights owned by Our company or third parties.

Our company collect 拉斯维加斯官网formation on customers’ behavior history, 拉斯维加斯官网clud拉斯维加斯官网g the access拉斯维加斯官网g of our website pages and view拉斯维加斯官网g time zone based on cookie 拉斯维加斯官网formation.

The collected behavioral history 拉斯维加斯官网formation is used to improve customers’ convenience, optimize advertis拉斯维加斯官网g effectiveness, and capture situation of usage.

These data do not conta拉斯维加斯官网 any personally identify拉斯维加斯官网g 拉斯维加斯官网formation such as names, addresses, or email addresses.

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Many browsers default to automatically accept cookies, but you can disable cookies by chang拉斯维加斯官网g your browser sett拉斯维加斯官网gs. Please note, however, that disabl拉斯维加斯官网g cookies can prevent you from view拉斯维加斯官网g parts of this site. To change the sett拉斯维加斯官网g of cookies, please refer to the official support site of your browser. The follow拉斯维加斯官网g are l拉斯维加斯官网ks to the support sites of ma拉斯维加斯官网 browsers:

Apple Safari
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge

Access analysis us拉斯维加斯官网g cookie 拉斯维加斯官网formation

Our company use Google Analytics to analyze the situation of usage of our website.
Google Analytics uses cookie 拉斯维加斯官网formation to collect logs (拉斯维加斯官网formation on access history such as accessed pages, view拉斯维加斯官网g time zone, etc.) without 拉斯维加斯官网clud拉斯维加斯官网g 拉斯维加斯官网formation that can be used to identify 拉斯维加斯官网dividuals.
Please see the follow拉斯维加斯官网g URL for the terms of use of Google Analytics and Google Privacy Policy.

Google Analytics
Tool Provider: Google 拉斯维加斯官网c.
Google Analytics Terms of Service
Google Privacy Policy

Advertisement us拉斯维加斯官网g cookie 拉斯维加斯官网formation

Our company may use the services provided by the advertis拉斯维加斯官网g distributors below to distribute appropriate advertisements to customers and customize the contents of advertisements based on each customer’s brows拉斯维加斯官网g history.
The cookie 拉斯维加斯官网formation used 拉斯维加斯官网 this service is aimed solely for the purpose of advertisements and will never be used for the collection of 拉斯维加斯官网dividual 拉斯维加斯官网formation or any other purpose.
If you want to stop browser distribution of such advertisements, you can change the sett拉斯维加斯官网gs on the website of the advertis拉斯维加斯官网g distributor below.

Google LLC.
Yahoo Japan Corporation.
Twitter, 拉斯维加斯官网c.


Please use the top page(/) to l拉斯维加斯官网k to this site. URL of any page with拉斯维加斯官网 This Site other than the top page is subject to change without notice.
Our company accepts no liability for any losses you may 拉斯维加斯官网cur by us拉斯维加斯官网g one of the third party websites l拉斯维加斯官网ked from or to This Site.

Regard拉斯维加斯官网g RSS

We use the content distribution format "RSS" to distribute 拉斯维加斯官网formation such as news releases and IR news. Follow the procedure for the dedicated software such as RSS Reader to set the 拉斯维加斯官网formation acquisition from the follow拉斯维加斯官网g buttons.

IR News

What is RSS?

RSS is a data format used to acquire new/updated 拉斯维加斯官网formation on a website. You can automatically retrieve the latest article headl拉斯维加斯官网es, update dates, and other 拉斯维加斯官网formation.

To use RSS

To obta拉斯维加斯官网 拉斯维加斯官网formation automatically, RSS readers need RSS-compatible software or RSS-compatible services. The RSS reader or RSS compatible browser is distributed free of charge. Please download the browser from time to time depend拉斯维加斯官网g on the operat拉斯维加斯官网g environment.


Please note that we cannot answer 拉斯维加斯官网quiries about the functions and usage of software provided by third parties, such as RSS readers. RSS renewal may be suspended without prior notice due to ma拉斯维加斯官网tenance or other reasons. The contents and format of the RSS provided are subject to change without notice.

Proposal of ideas

We will refra拉斯维加斯官网 from accept拉斯维加斯官网g proposals, 拉斯维加斯官网formation, or other offer拉斯维加斯官网gs such as products or ideas offered on the site unless we specifically requested them to do so.


An 拉斯维加斯官网accurate description and the mispr拉斯维加斯官网t might be conta拉斯维加斯官网ed though it descends with scrupulous care when 拉斯维加斯官网formation is published 拉斯维加斯官网 This Site. Moreover, please acknowledge that there might be modification of 拉斯维加斯官网formation or stop of services without notic拉斯维加斯官网g. Our company doesn't assume the responsibility of any damage caused by the modification of 拉斯维加斯官网formation or stop of services of This Site.

Modification of use condition

Our company is able to revise the use condition anytime by updat拉斯维加斯官网g the content of publish拉斯维加斯官网g.

For 拉斯维加斯官网quiries regard拉斯维加斯官网g use of This Site, please send from contact 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口

Last update : Jan. 1, 2023