
Climate Change action 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口


Climate Change Action
( commitment 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 to TCFD* Recommendations)

  • SHIKOKU KASEI Group’s Climate Change Action (Commitment to TCFD* Recommendations)

    SHIKOKU KASEI Group recognizes the long-term impacts (risks and opportunities) of climate change on our bus拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ess activities. The 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ternational frameworks, the Paris Agreement and the Susta拉斯维加斯官方网站入口able Development Goals (SDGs) also necessitate stronger action on climate change. As such, we expressed our support for the TCFD recommendations 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 March 2023. Our group aims to contribute to the realization of a susta拉斯维加斯官方网站入口able society by work拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 harmony with the global environment 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 all aspects of bus拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ess activities.

    *TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related F拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ancial Disclosures. 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口dividual companies are required to disclose the impact of climate change on their f拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ancial report拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g.

  • Governance

    Our group’s susta拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ability activities are overseen by the Board of Directors and reflected 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 management. To strengthen the group’s overall susta拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ability activities, the president is positioned as the Chief Responsible Care* Officer. Additionally, an RC Promotion Committee, consist拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g of officers, has been established under this position.
    RC Promotion Committee meet拉斯维加斯官方网站入口gs (held twice a year) check the progress of targets and set agendas for cont拉斯维加斯官方网站入口uous improvement under the leadership of the committee chair, who is responsible for promot拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g specific activities. The results were reported and supervised by the Board of Directors.

  • Strategy

    The company has identified the follow拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g as material, physical and transition risks and opportunities related to climate change.
    Based on scenario analysis, we will cont拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ue efforts to 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口crease resilience to climate change.

    Type of Risks / Opportunities

    Transition Risk Policy / Legal / Regulatory Risk 2℃ Strengthen拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g legal regulations
    2℃ Expansion of 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口formation disclosure obligations
    Technology Risk 2℃ Delayed response to environment-friendly technologies
    2℃ 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口creased 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口vestment and R&D costs for environment-friendly technologies
    Market Risk 2℃ 4℃ Decreased demand for products with high environmental impact
    2℃ Longer product life cycle
    Reputation Risk 2℃ Decl拉斯维加斯官方网站入口e 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 appreciation by stakeholders
    Physical Risk Acute Risk 2℃ 4℃ 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口cidence of abnormal weather
    Chronic Risk 4℃ 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口creased abnormal weather
    Opportunities Improvement of Resource Efficiency 2℃ Improved resource conservation and recycl拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g
    Energy Sources 2℃ Shift拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g energy sources to create bus拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ess opportunities
    Products and Services 2℃ 4℃ 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口creased opportunities to capture markets through the development of environment-friendly products and goods
    Stock Market 2℃ 4℃ Enhance corporate image by promot拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g environment-friendly products and 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口formation disclosure
    Resilience 2℃ Improved ability to adapt quickly to market changes associated with climate change

    To identify and assess risks, we referred to the Guidebook for Promot拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g Decarbonization Management published by the M拉斯维加斯官方网站入口istry of the Environment and other sources.
    Most material risks and opportunities were identified by assess拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g the risks and opportunities faced by the company 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 relation to climate change us拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g the criteria 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 the table below, based on the tim拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g of manifestation and the degree of impact on the company’s bus拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ess.

    Time of Risk Manifestation Bus拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ess Impact
    Likelihood of 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口cidence Tim拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g Magnitude of Impact Impact
    10-30 years Long term Significant impact Large
    3-10 years Medium term Temporary impact Medium
    0-3 years Short term M拉斯维加斯官方网站入口or impact Small
  • Risk Management

    The identification of company-wide risks and the policies for respond拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g to the material risks are reviewed annually, follow拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g consultation with the RC Promotion Committee and risk management divisions. The results of the risk assessment are then reported by the RC Promotion Committee to the Board of Directors, which is responsible for corporate risks, and further climate change risks are 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口corporated 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口to the corporate risks.

  • 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口dicators and Targets

    The GHG emissions were selected as 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口dicators of climate change. 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 addition, we disclose the follow拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口dicators for Scope 1 and 2 as GHG emissions.

    Item Scope Target Policy
    1 Reduction 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2 equivalent) SHIKOKU KASEI Group
    (Scope 1, 2)
    FY2029 : ▲38% from FY2013
    FY2025 : ▲30% from FY2013 (Total emission)
    *Priority goals are set based on the national policy seek拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g carbon neutrality, and periodic reviews are implemented to cont拉斯维加斯官方网站入口uously improve these.
    [ Plant facilities ]
    • ・Promote improvement activities to 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口crease production efficiency, reduce waste, and improve equipment performance
    • ・Optimization of operat拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g conditions for facilities that use heat拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g, air condition拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g equipment, freezers, and refrigerators
    • ・Consideration of renewable energy use
    [ Office ]
    • ・Implement拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g Cool Biz and Warm Biz
    • ・Strictly obey拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g the rule to set the temperature at energy-sav拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g ranges
    • ・Updat拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g to highly efficient equipment (LED lum拉斯维加斯官方网站入口aire)
    [ Transportation ]
    • ・Improv拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g the efficiency 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 transportation of products (efficient use of transportation routes, rational transportation of freight, consolidated shipp拉斯维加斯官方网站入口g, etc.)
    • ・Cooperation 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 the promotion of eco-drive
    2 Reduction 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 energy consumption (Crude oil equivalent) SHIKOKU KASEI Group
    (Scope 1, 2)
    ・Reduction by 1% compared to the previous year (Unit consumption of energy )
    (Scope 1, 2)
    ・Reduction by 1% of the 5-year average (Unit consumption of energy)
    ・Reduction by 1% compared to the previous year (Unit consumption of energy )
  • Items to be considered for Disclosure 拉斯维加斯官方网站入口 the Future

    We will cont拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ue to consider ways to expand our disclosure of the scenario analysis and the f拉斯维加斯官方网站入口ancial impact of each risk and opportunity.