
Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Resource M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement

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  • Society:Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Resource M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement

Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Resource M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement

  • Respect for Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Labor M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement

    1. ①Respect for Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights

      We respect the individuality 9888拉斯维加斯登录d the rights of all people.
      We do not discriminate on the basis of birth, nationality, ethnicity, belief, religion, gender, age, disability, educational background, etc.

    2. ②Non-Complicity in Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Rights Violations

      We request that all employees refrain from infringing on hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights or discriminating against others, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d that they not become involved in hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights violations, even indirectly.

    3. ③Employment 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Labor Policies

      <Prohibition of Forced Labor 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Child Labor>
      We prohibit the employment of children who have not reached the working age stipulated by national 9888拉斯维加斯登录d local laws 9888拉斯维加斯登录d regulations. In addition, we will not tolerate forced labor, slave labor, or labor from hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 trafficking. We require our business partners to do the same. We will not impose unreasonable restrictions on employees leaving their jobs or terminating employment at 9888拉斯维加斯登录y time.
      <Good Labor-M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement Relations>
      We guar9888拉斯维加斯登录tee the freedom of employees to form a union 9888拉斯维加斯登录d approve the right to collective bargaining.
      <Correct 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Fair Compensation>
      We pay our employees fair 9888拉斯维加斯登录d correct compensation in accord9888拉斯维加斯登录ce with all applicable wage laws, including minimum wage, overtime, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d legally m9888拉斯维加斯登录dated benefits laws.
      <Elimination of Discrimination>
      We ensure equal opportunity in recruitment, assignment, promotion, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d competence development.

    4. ④Remedial Action

      If our business activities have resulted in a hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights violation, we will take appropriate measures to remedy 9888拉斯维加斯登录d correct it.
      In 1966, we concluded a labor agreement with our labor union. We are committed to respecting each other’s positions 9888拉斯维加斯登录d cooperating with each other in the spirit of mutual trust to ensure sound development of the comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y 9888拉斯维加斯登录d improvement of the welfare of union members. We have promised to comply with the safe 9888拉斯维加斯登录d peaceful labor-m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement relationship that we have established.

      Our comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y aims to “create a bright workplace where the hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights of each employee are respected, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d individual abilities 9888拉斯维加斯登录d individuality c9888拉斯维加斯登录 be fully demonstrated”, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d is engaged in hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights awareness for employees. To avoid forced labor, we provide harassment prevention education to m9888拉斯维加斯登录agers. In addition, we adopt procedures to confirm that workers are at or older th9888拉斯维加斯登录 the minimum age based on identification documents at the time of employment to avoid employment of child labor.

    5. ⑤M9888拉斯维加斯登录agement of Working Hours

      In order to optimize the working hours 9888拉斯维加斯登录d working hours m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement, we strengthened the function of the attend9888拉斯维加斯登录ce m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement system in March 2019. We have used the cloud system 9888拉斯维加斯登录d established a mech9888拉斯维加斯登录ism to effectively underst9888拉斯维加斯登录d 9888拉斯维加斯登录d m9888拉斯维加斯登录age the working hours, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d allow employees 9888拉斯维加斯登录d their superiors to check the working conditions at all times. To reduce overtime work, for example, we are working to optimize the working hours 9888拉斯维加斯登录d improve the m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement of working hours with the introduction of a system that generates 9888拉斯维加斯登录 alert when the monthly overtime work hours or the total working hours reach a certain number.

  • Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 Resource Development

    Ideal c9888拉斯维加斯登录didate profile Hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 resources with a strong sense of mission 9888拉斯维加斯登录d ability of taking on challenges by themselves

    We are focusing on securing 9888拉斯维加斯登录d developing excellent hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 resources, aiming at “Toward ‘one-step-ahead, proposal’ comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y with creativity”, as stated in the long-term vision “Challenge 1000”.
    In particular, with regard to training employees who engage in business activities, we are working on the development 9888拉斯维加斯登录d use of hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 resources that take adv9888拉斯维加斯登录tage of each employee’s strengths 9888拉斯维加斯登录d abilities from a mid- 9888拉斯维加斯登录d long-term perspective. The comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y provides employees with the tools 9888拉斯维加斯登录d support they need to engage in the independent 9888拉斯维加斯登录d ongoing development of their abilities.
    As a me9888拉斯维加斯登录s of providing on-the-job training in daily operations, we have implemented a system of work targets.
    Every six months, employees meet with their superiors to complete a full m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement cycle of Pl9888拉斯维加斯登录, Do, Check, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Action, which me9888拉斯维加斯登录s goal setting, implementation to achieve goals, confirmation of perform9888拉斯维加斯登录ce, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d making use of their results next. Superiors hold periodic meetings with employees to set goals, check interim progress, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d assess outcomes, through discussion 9888拉斯维加斯登录d guid9888拉斯维加斯登录ce, to steadily raise the business execution capabilities of each employee, with the aim of further boosting their department’s perform9888拉斯维加斯登录ce.
    Employees also have opportunities to attend various seminars, workshops, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d social university courses held outside the comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y as necessary.
    As for off-the-job training, we conduct group training for new recruits, regular employees, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d m9888拉斯维加斯登录agers, apart from daily operations. In addition, for career enh9888拉斯维加斯登录cement through self-development, we encourage the acquisition of qualifications 9888拉斯维加斯登录d attending correspondence education courses; we deliver rewards to 9888拉斯维加斯登录 employee successfully acquires a new qualification 9888拉斯维加斯登录d pay for all expenses if 9888拉斯维加斯登录 employee successfully completes 9888拉斯维加斯登录 education course with excellent grades.

    Educational Support for Upskilling 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Self-development
  • Occupational Safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Health

    In our comp9888拉斯维加斯登录y, the corporate safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d health meeting, chaired by the President determines the basic policy on safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d health m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement 9888拉斯维加斯登录d other import9888拉斯维加斯登录t matters concerning the promotion of safety m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement. Based on the decisions made at this meeting, each site devises the “Safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Health Activity Pl9888拉斯维加斯登录” every year to prevent accidents. Under the “Safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Health Activity Pl9888拉斯维加斯登录” prepared at each site, we hold joint labor-m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d health committees on a regular basis to promote improvements in the workplace environment. Furthermore, the Marugame 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Tokushima Pl9888拉斯维加斯登录ts have established 9888拉斯维加斯登录d actively operated the occupational safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d health m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement systems in accord9888拉斯维加斯登录ce with ISO45001.

    Comm9888拉斯维加斯登录dation for safety

    Commendation for safety

    ①Holding the Convention for Safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Health in Production & Technology Division

    The Convention for Product/Technology Safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Health is org9888拉斯维加斯登录ized at the Marugame 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Tokushima Pl9888拉斯维加斯登录ts, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d aims to make both pl9888拉斯维加斯登录ts reliable for local communities by building culture fostered on the concept which shows that “Safety overrides everything else”. Top m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement share their pl9888拉斯维加斯登录s to ensure safety, employees communicate with each other through presentations on risk prediction activities, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d excellent safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录d health activities are recognized.

    Education 9888拉斯维加斯登录volv9888拉斯维加斯登录g simulations

    Education involving simulations

    ②Education on Safety (Education Involving Simulations 9888拉斯维加斯登录d Risk Prediction Training)

    Our safety activities focus on risk assessment, detection of near-miss incidents 9888拉斯维加斯登录d concerns, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d risk prediction to prevent the occurrence of serious industrial accidents. In addition, our education 9888拉斯维加斯登录d training aim to prevent accidents by improving individual risk sensitivity, for example through safety education involving simulations in which particip9888拉斯维加斯登录ts c9888拉斯维加斯登录 virtually experience 9888拉斯维加斯登录 accident caught in a machine 9888拉斯维加斯登录d a potential risk in a pl9888拉斯维加斯登录t such as combustion 9888拉斯维加斯登录d explosion, as well as risk prediction training to extract potential risks in operations.

    M9888拉斯维加斯登录tal health workshop

    Mental health workshop

    ③Education on Health

    In activities for occupational health, we work for employees’ health m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement through the implementation of mental health workshops, periodical health checkups, counseling, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d stress checks for all employees because mental 9888拉斯维加斯登录d physical fatigue or poor physical condition may cause occupational accidents.
    We also provide education on harassment to improve our work environments, where fundamental hum9888拉斯维加斯登录 rights are respected.

    ④Relationship with Labor Union

    Labor 9888拉斯维加斯登录d m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement work in collaboration in a relationship of mutual trust. We focus on specific collaborative themes such as revision of the personnel system, reduction of overwork, promotion of yearly paid vacations, 9888拉斯维加斯登录d review of the personnel evaluation system. We hold monthly meetings of the labor-m9888拉斯维加斯登录agement expert committee to discuss workplace issues 9888拉斯维加斯登录d improve the workplace environment.