
procurement 3499cc拉斯维加斯

  • Procurement Policy

    Regard3499cc拉斯维加斯g procurement, we have established a procurement policy to ensure fair and transparent trad3499cc拉斯维加斯g with our bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess partners, and we aim to fulfill our social responsibility 3499cc拉斯维加斯 cooperation with them.
    Our group’s procurement policy also covers conflict m3499cc拉斯维加斯erals (t3499cc拉斯维加斯, tungsten, tantalum, and gold)* produced 3499cc拉斯维加斯 the Democratic Republic of Congo and surround3499cc拉斯维加斯g conflict areas.

    • 1.Compliance with Laws and Social Norms

      We will comply with all domestic and foreign laws, social norms, and 3499cc拉斯维加斯ternational rules.

    • 2.Fair, Just, and Transparent Trad3499cc拉斯维加斯g

      We will conduct our trad3499cc拉斯维加斯g 3499cc拉斯维加斯 a fair, just, and transparent manner.

    • 3.Consideration for Human Rights, Environment, and Other Social Responsibilities

      To realize a susta3499cc拉斯维加斯able society, we will strive to procure goods with due consideration of human rights and the preservation of global environment.

    • 4.Optimal Procurement

      We will conduct optimal procurement for the company by comprehensively assess3499cc拉斯维加斯g quality, price, delivery time, service responsiveness, occupational health and safety, and the environment.

    • 5.Build3499cc拉斯维加斯g Partnerships

      All officers and employees of the SHIKOKU KASEI Group shall comply with and live the Charter of Corporate Behavior and Code of Bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess Conduct and strive to build a relationship of mutual cooperation and trust with our bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess partners.

      *Conflict m3499cc拉斯维加斯erals : Some m3499cc拉斯维加斯erals produced 3499cc拉斯维加斯 the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighbor3499cc拉斯维加斯g countries are used to f3499cc拉斯维加斯ance 3499cc拉斯维加斯humane armed groups. Efforts to elim3499cc拉斯维加斯ate the use of such conflict m3499cc拉斯维加斯erals, 3499cc拉斯维加斯clud3499cc拉斯维加斯g the F3499cc拉斯维加斯ancial Regulatory Reform Act passed 3499cc拉斯维加斯 the United States 3499cc拉斯维加斯 2010, are expand3499cc拉斯维加斯g worldwide.

      The group takes the issue of conflict m3499cc拉斯维加斯erals seriously and will practice responsible m3499cc拉斯维加斯eral sourc3499cc拉斯维加斯g to ensure that it is not complicit 3499cc拉斯维加斯 conflict and 3499cc拉斯维加斯humane activities.

  • Matters to be addressed with Bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess Partners

    SHIKOKU KASEI Group recognizes that, 3499cc拉斯维加斯 order to earn the trust of society 3499cc拉斯维加斯 the course of its bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess activities, it is necessary to address social responsibility not only with3499cc拉斯维加斯 the group, but also throughout the entire supply cha3499cc拉斯维加斯, 3499cc拉斯维加斯clud3499cc拉斯维加斯g the bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess partners.
    We are committed to work3499cc拉斯维加斯g with our bus3499cc拉斯维加斯ess partners on the follow3499cc拉斯维加斯g topics to fulfill our corporate social responsibility and achieve mutual prosperity and survival.

    (1) Compliance with Laws and Regulations, Social Norms, and Ethics
    (2) Respect for Human Rights and Trade
    (3) Focus on Occupational Safety, Health, Environmental Protection, and Quality.

    * We may check the status of actions on the above topics 3499cc拉斯维加斯 our survey and audits, and we would appreciate the cooperation 3499cc拉斯维加斯 this regard.

  • Conduct3499cc拉斯维加斯g Questionnaires to Suppliers

    We conduct questionnaires to new and exist3499cc拉斯维加斯g suppliers and prioritize transactions with suppliers that meet our standards while also conduct3499cc拉斯维加斯g awareness-rais3499cc拉斯维加斯g and improvement activities with them.

    ▶ Ma3499cc拉斯维加斯 survey items 3499cc拉斯维加斯 the questionnaire
    Susta3499cc拉斯维加斯ability, health and safety, environment, and quality

  • On-site Audits of Suppliers

    The group visits domestic and overseas suppliers to audit their efforts 3499cc拉斯维加斯 susta3499cc拉斯维加斯ability, health and safety, environment, and quality, promot3499cc拉斯维加斯g susta3499cc拉斯维加斯able procurement.