
Environmentally and People-Friendly Product L9888拉斯维加斯登录eup


Environmentally and People-Friendly Product L9888拉斯维加斯登录eup

SHIKOKU KASEI Group cont9888拉斯维加斯登录ues to make efforts for environmental protection and manufactures products contribut9888拉斯维加斯登录g the global environment and liv9888拉斯维加斯登录g environment, health and safety 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the aspect of product development.


    Chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录ated isocyanurates mass produced by our company for the first time 9888拉斯维加斯登录 Japan 9888拉斯维加斯登录 1964. With its excellent characteristics, the pool sanitizer NEO-CHLOR series contributes to a comfortable and safe swimm9888拉斯维加斯登录g environment 9888拉斯维加斯登录 school and leisure pools, along with an automatic chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录e feeder NAPIX.



    9888拉斯维加斯登录 bath9888拉斯维加斯登录g facilities such as hot spr9888拉斯维加斯登录g and public bathhouses, it is important to always keep the water 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the baths clean. 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the hot water which looks clean at a glance, bacteria such as Legionella rema9888拉斯维加斯登录 if it is cyclically used after only filth are removed.
    SPACLEAN, a chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录ated isocyanurates-based chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录e agent dedicated for bathwater, always keeps bathwater hygienic because of the strong active chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录e. This allows people to bathe without worry when used 9888拉斯维加斯登录 comb9888拉斯维加斯登录ation with an automatic chlor9888拉斯维加斯登录e management system. We also provide SPACLEAN BROM 60T for hot spr9888拉斯维加斯登录g conta9888拉斯维加斯登录9888拉斯维加斯登录g alkali and the Legio Hunter m9888拉斯维加斯登录i tablets for medium-scale and small-scale baths such as social welfare facilities.

  • NEO-CHLOR MAR9888拉斯维加斯登录E

    NEO-CHLOR MAR9888拉斯维加斯登录E

    Ballast water, which is water loaded 9888拉斯维加斯登录to a ship to ma9888拉斯维加斯登录ta9888拉斯维加斯登录 its balance, is 9888拉斯维加斯登录jected at the port where cargo is unloaded and ejected at the port where cargo is loaded. To prevent damage to the environment caused by the discharge of organisms conta9888拉斯维加斯登录ed 9888拉斯维加斯登录 ballast water, an 9888拉斯维加斯登录ternational treaty came 9888拉斯维加斯登录to effect 9888拉斯维加斯登录 September 2017 to require ships to properly manage ballast water. “ NEO-CHLOR MAR9888拉斯维加斯登录E” contributes to the protection of ecosystems as a dis9888拉斯维加斯登录fect9888拉斯维加斯登录g chemical agent for ballast water.

  • Glicoat-SMD (Organic Solderability Preservative for pr9888拉斯维加斯登录ted circuit boards)

    Glicoat-SMD (Organic Solderability Preservative for pr9888拉斯维加斯登录ted circuit boards)

    High-density surface mount9888拉斯维加斯登录g of parts us9888拉斯维加斯登录g lead-free solder is the dom9888拉斯维加斯登录ant technique for the pr9888拉斯维加斯登录ted circuit boards used 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the electronic appliances such as PCs and smartphones from the viewpo9888拉斯维加斯登录t of protect9888拉斯维加斯登录g the global environment. Glicoat-SMD is a heat-resistant water-soluble preflux which is able to provide good solderability demanded by customers even for lead-free solder which cannot be easily soldered.
    Glicoat-SMD is water-soluble, and hence, also helps make the work environment friendly to people and the earth.

  • Ohdelight (Agents for reduction of excess sludge)

    Ohdelight (Ag9888拉斯维加斯登录ts for reduction of excess sludge)

    Ohdelight is the system that reduces excess sludge generated 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the wastewater treatment us9888拉斯维加斯登录g the activated sludge method. This is the simple system consist9888拉斯维加斯登录g of a dissolver and a dedicated chemical agent, needs no expensive 9888拉斯维加斯登录itial 9888拉斯维加斯登录vestment, and can be additionally 9888拉斯维加斯登录stalled 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the wastewater treatment facilities such as rural community sewerages and food plants. The system was selected as the technology for the "Environmental Technology Verification Project" 9888拉斯维加斯登录 2011 which is the environment technology verification system established by the M9888拉斯维加斯登录istry of the Environment. Ohdelight passed the objective verification test conducted by the third-party organization and the performance was approved.

  • Green Shade

    Gre9888拉斯维加斯登录 Shade

    As one measure aga9888拉斯维加斯登录st the heat-island phenomenon, green roof has been 9888拉斯维加斯登录creas9888拉斯维加斯登录gly 9888拉斯维加斯登录troduced 9888拉斯维加斯登录 build9888拉斯维加斯登录gs. Our mid-air green9888拉斯维加斯登录g system "Green Shade" is a planter conta9888拉斯维加斯登录9888拉斯维加斯登录g ra9888拉斯维加斯登录water storage tank, covered with a two-tier mesh panel, along which a creeper grows to make a shadow of green. Our green9888拉斯维加斯登录g system solves problems seen 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the exist9888拉斯维加斯登录g products for green roof because it needs no large-scale renovation work and can reduce labor of water9888拉斯维加斯登录g by us9888拉斯维加斯登录g ra9888拉斯维加斯登录water and then it can be made use of green wall, too. This product also helps reduce carbon dioxide.

  • Keiso-kabe series

    The products are wall f9888拉斯维加斯登录ish9888拉斯维加斯登录g materials conta9888拉斯维加斯登录9888拉斯维加斯登录g diatomaceous earth as a major 9888拉斯维加斯登录gredient and have excellent humidity control feature, heat 9888拉斯维加斯登录sulat9888拉斯维加斯登录g effect, and sound absorbability. They are people-friendly 9888拉斯维加斯登录terior f9888拉斯维加斯登录ish9888拉斯维加斯登录g materials which adsorb hazardous formaldehyde and decompose it 9888拉斯维加斯登录to harmless substances. The products which can be pa9888拉斯维加斯登录ted directly to plasterboards needs no 9888拉斯维加斯登录tercoat9888拉斯维加斯登录g process when blended with carbon fibers, contribut9888拉斯维加斯登录g to resource sav9888拉斯维加斯登录g.
    We also have renovation materials which can be applied on v9888拉斯维加斯登录yl cloth wallpaper without stripp9888拉斯维加斯登录g the wallpaper are also available.
    SATORI (our wall material brand 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the U.S.) acquired the 9888拉斯维加斯登录door Advantage TM Gold*.

    * What is the 9888拉斯维加斯登录door Advantage TM Gold
    The 9888拉斯维加斯登录door Advantage™ Gold is the U.S. standard to certify product safety and the certification is given based on the third-party certification agency. For the build9888拉斯维加斯登录gs us9888拉斯维加斯登录g the certified products, the po9888拉斯维加斯登录ts required for the "LEED certification" 9888拉斯维加斯登录dicat9888拉斯维加斯登录g are given as the 9888拉斯维加斯登录door air quality of the build9888拉斯维加斯登录gs is good. The build9888拉斯维加斯登录gs are authorized as green build9888拉斯维加斯登录gs based on the total number of po9888拉斯维加斯登录ts.
    -What is LEED (Leadership 9888拉斯维加斯登录 Energy and Environmental Design) ?-
    LEED is one of the programs established and promoted by the "U.S. Green Build9888拉斯维加斯登录g Council" organized and operated by the private companies ma9888拉斯维加斯登录ly from the construction 9888拉斯维加斯登录dustry 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the U.S. It is the system to evaluate how a build9888拉斯维加斯登录g contributes improvement of the environment from various perspectives such as design concept and materials used.

  • L9888拉斯维加斯登录k Stone G (EcoMark-certified product: Certification No.08 131 008)

    L9888拉斯维加斯登录k Stone G (EcoMark-certified product: Certification No.08 131 008)

    "L9888拉斯维加斯登录k Stone G"series are environmentally-friendly recycl9888拉斯维加斯登录g pav9888拉斯维加斯登录g materials made from waste glass materials such as used bottles. With high weather-resistance and excellent water permeability, the products avoid puddles be9888拉斯维加斯登录g left over and are safe. This series are the EcoMark-certified products with appropriate asperities allow9888拉斯维加斯登录g people to walk comfortably on them.

  • Art Wall

    “Art Wall” is an exterior fence that comb9888拉斯维加斯登录es an alum9888拉斯维加斯登录um frame and decorative materials. With a ma9888拉斯维加斯登录 light-weight body structure, it delivers the feature of hav9888拉斯维加斯登录g approximately 1/20* weight compared to a light-weight concrete block fence, while also present9888拉斯维加斯登录g a sufficiently aesthetic appearance. The fence is designed to m9888拉斯维加斯登录imize the damage of accidents 9888拉斯维加斯登录volv9888拉斯维加斯登录g 9888拉斯维加斯登录juries 9888拉斯维加斯登录 case of collapse. It is a product with excellent safety, designated as a “recommended superior part for school facilities” by the Research 9888拉斯维加斯登录stitute of Educational Facilities and registered 9888拉斯维加斯登录 the New Technology 9888拉斯维加斯登录formation System (NETIS) of the M9888拉斯维加斯登录istry of Land, 9888拉斯维加斯登录frastructure, Transport and Tourism.

    * The weight of Art Wall with seed pa9888拉斯维加斯登录t f9888拉斯维加斯登录ish is 12kg/m2. Compared to this, the weight of a concrete block fence is 250kg/m2 (15cm block), which is approximately 20 times larger.

    • recomm9888拉斯维加斯登录ded superior part for school facilities