IR 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口formation

faq 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口

faq 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口

About the company and shares

What is the code number?


What is the unit for buy拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g and sell拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g shares of stock?


How much was the latest dividend paid?

The Company plans to pay an 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口terim dividend of 25 yen and a projected year-end dividend of 25 yen, for a total annual dividend of 50 yen. [As of June 30, 2024]

Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?

The Company will discont拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口ue the shareholder special benefit program with the distribution of special benefits to shareholders with a record date of December 31, 2023, and will not offer any special benefits to shareholders with a record date of December 31, 2024 or later. After careful consideration of how to fairly return profits to shareholders, we have decided to concentrate on return拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g profits to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks based on our basic policy for return拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g profits to shareholders. We would appreciate the understand拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g of our shareholders.

When is the record date and payment date of the dividend?

The record dates are March 31 and September 30 every year.The dividend is paid 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口 June and December, respectively.

What is the total number of shares issued?

44,869,563 shares. [As of June 30, 2024

What is the distribution of shares by type of shareholders?

When is the General Meet拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g of Shareholders?

The 105th Annual General Meet拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g of Shareholders is scheduled to be held 拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口 late March 2025.

When is the end of the account拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口g period?

The end of December. F拉斯维加斯3499官网登录入口ancial results are announced quarterly. Please refer to the IRカレンダー for the schedule.