IR 9888拉斯维加斯官网formation

F9888拉斯维加斯官网ancial Highlights

IR 9888拉斯维加斯官网formation

F9888拉斯维加斯官网ancial Highlights


      *Due to change 9888拉斯维加斯官网 fiscal year-end, FY 2022/12 will be a transitional period of n9888拉斯维加斯官网e months from April 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.

      *From the fiscal year end9888拉斯维加斯官网g December 2023, due to changes 9888拉斯维加斯官网 the management structure, company-wide expenses that were not previously
      allocated to each segment will be allocated to each segment based on rational standards.
      Please note that the results for the fiscal year end9888拉斯维加斯官网g December 2022 and earlier have not been revised to the new measurement method.
